Editor's Note: Finding Silver Linings in this Month's Issue

Karen Plourde, Editor, Weavers Way Shuttle

Back in the January-February issue, I wrote of my intention to be hopeful about the new year, because it was also the start of a new decade, and why give up already? Folks, I had no idea.

Yet, even as the COVID-19 pandemic turns our world upside down, I still want to seek out silver linings. After all, so many others have. Have you checked out the “Thank You” video to our staff on our website? Put a lump in my throat. And that’s only a sampling of the positive feedback we’ve gotten on all the operational zigging and zagging we’ve done.

As we continue to hunker, this month’s Shuttle offers plenty of practical advice for those spending way more time on meal prep than they normally do. Check out “Slice It, Dice It, Serve It” for a selection of DIY condiment hacks. As CSA season approaches, I’m grateful for Kieran’s vinaigrette basics recipe; it’s stick-on-the-fridge worthy!

Dianne Dillman offers an enviable primer on how to organize your fresh produce haul to maximize its usage. Reading it reminded me of those “declutter your life” articles that come out at the beginning to the year. Yes, I should do that. But will I? Maybe you’ll fare better.

The monthly dispatches from Friends of the Wissahickon and Wissahickon Trails (formerly Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association) make me appreciate the constancy of nature. Getting outdoors is one of the few things we can still do (within the context of social distancing, of course), and maybe because of that, we’ll treasure our wooded areas even more this year.

And now, a shameless pitch to those who’ve read this far and have young kiddos: I’d love me a handmade rainbow drawing or two for the office. My almost-19 and almost-26 year-old have been out of the art game for a while. Snail mail them to me at 559 Carpenter Lane, 19119, or email them to editor@weaversway.coop.

Catch you in the pages next month.